San Vicente Centre - Solar Water Heater
Project Background:
It's heartbreaking to see the situation at San Vicente Centre, an orphanage in a remote area struggling with a severe water shortage. The 89 children and young adults under their care are facing immense challenges due to the limited water supply, which is only available once a day. To make matters worse, the orphanage has to purchase water at a high cost of $38.52 USD per 10,000 litres, while their monthly requirement is a minimum of 100,000 litres. This financial strain has also impacted their ability to purchase gas for heating and cooking, essential for the well-being of the children. As a result, there has been an increase in health issues, such as diarrheal diseases and eye infections, which are posing a significant challenge to the centre's efforts to ensure the children's health and safety.
Project Description:
The project aims to enhance the centre by implementing a solar water heater to ensure a reliable source of hot water and reduce the need for costly gas purchases. Additionally, upgrading lighting in the two main dormitories will create a more comfortable and conducive environment for the most vulnerable children while also decreasing electricity costs associated with outdated fixtures.
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Estimated Implementation - Spring 2025